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Before you read on this blog is a way for me to reflect on my feelings and opinions. It will not have proper grammar and I can guarantee it will have many spelling errors. If you are a grammar nazi, do not read on!

This blog was motivated by a link I saw on Facebook during the Christmas break. A Facebook friend has posted a link called “How to Avoid Cancer” and this is the link if you would like to take a look for yourself http://premaseem.wordpress.com/2012/12/19/how-to-avoid-cancer/

I thought this link would say the typical things such as live a healthy lifestyle………. And well that is basically all you can do to avoid cancer… Is that not right? Do not smoke, eat your dark green vegetables like broccoli, brussel sprouts and even wasabi sauce!! Now I think most of us know about these basic “how to avoid cancer” tid bits from media, books and going to see the doctor.

Well this website that I am about to discuss looks at cancer is a way, that well, pisses me off! The link takes you to 16 ways to avoid cancer. It starts off with two naked bodies as an advertisement to get the attention of the reader. Very good looking bodies I may say, but nothing to do with cancer none the less.

I will now go through each 16 tips and tell you my opinion about them. Before I start, I should admit that this link is not entirely wrong. But this is my personal opinion from someone who has had cancer in her life since the day she was born. I know a thing or two!

Number 1. Well I love this tip. Thank you very much internet link. For those people out there that do not know! You have cancer!!! Just kidding, well not really. Everyone has cancer cells in their body, but the cancer cells are usually not mobile or active. Once the cells become active that is usually when the person starts feeling sick or pain and goes to the doctor and it is determined that the person has cancer. Once the person has received treatments and hopefully defeats cancer we are not rid of the cancer cells. That is why we call it remission, because we will always have cancerous cells.  So, I like this tip, it is educational and more or less the truth.

Number 2. I don’t even know what this is saying…… So going to skip this one….

Number 3. Well this is just a load of horse crap. How many people in your life were you shocked to hear got cancer? Or yourself even? The strongest people in my life have obtained cancer. I lead a fairly healthy life and due to my genetic make up, I am a high risk of both breast and ovarian cancer. And well the only way to prevent those for myself is to remove the muthas! One day I will… But for now, I will ignore the not helpful advice from this link.

Number 4. Well… yes and no…. genetic deficiencies, I am assuming they mean a person is more prone to obtaining cancer due to family history, like I am. But because I have blue eyes, doesn’t mean I will get cancer. Environmental, is another one that is a maybe. If you live in a nuclear plant… Then maybe, but other than that, you can live wherever your little heart takes you. Food and diet, your going to obtain bad cholesterol before cancer from bad eating habits.

Number 5. Well, we have determined that having a strong immune system does not prevent cancer….. soooo…. let’s leave this as a simple, no.

Number 6. Well, no. Surgery is normally the first step in the process of kicking cancers ass. The doctor will attempt to remove lymph nodes or other cancerous bone, tissue, cells etc before he tries chemotherapy. The doctor does not want to put a patient through chemotherapy. Yes, it can be as bad as it is shown on t.v. Sometimes people make it through okay. Do I know the difference between these people? No, my personal belief is preparedness of receiving chemo and the aftermath.

Number 7. Radiation absolutely is an awful process to go through. It damages a persons skin and toughens it up. Your getting burned!!! That’s what burning does!! It does not kill healthy cells! Radiation is also only used if chemotherapy did not work or is for seen to not be enough.

Number 8. Well christ. The doctors are not going to put you on chemo for a year straight, they monitor your health and the spreading of your cancer cells. If chemo and radiation is not working then the doctor will take you off and attempt something else. The doctors are smart people, they know what they are doing.

Number 9. This I do not know much about. Luckily I have not seen this in my life. I assume it is like any other disease being treated. There are always risks of infections and other aftermath.

Number 10. I’ve already touched on this with the surgery. Chemotherapy and radiation do not always work on everybody. That is why the doctors maintain a close watch on the cancer cells. Chemo and radation do not mutate the cells and spread them.

Number 11. NO, NO, NO, NO AND NO!! Also if your going to make a fake post by Johns Hopkins hospital, at least proof read… You even spelled Johns Hopkins wrong!!

Number 12. See above post.

Number 13. *Face palm*

Number 14. No, but vitamins never killed a person. So take vitamins if you want.

Number 15. Learn to be a doormat? Sure, that’ll help avoid and cure your cancer… No! From my experience, I have seen people give up on life and passed away much earlier because of that. But that was not just from cancer. If a person is miserable and angry at the world, but still willing to fight for their life, they will live! I’m a social worker, so I believe in peace for all and all that crap. But I also believe in standing your ground for what you believe in and if you are having a bad day during your chemo.. scream”FUCK THE WORLD!” I know I will. People complain about daily colds, why can’t we be negative once in a while about cancer?

Number 16. How about we just don’t smoke…???? This is the dumbest thing I have ever read.

To finalize, a healthy lifestyle is best for anyone to prevent any type of disease. If you get cancer and have lived a healthy lifestyle. It is not your fault. Fate just thought you were up for a challenge. My best advice is to not smoke, keep your drinking to a minimum, eat your vegetables and other food on the health triangle thing. Or if your a vegetarian or vegan, all the power to you!

These are my personal experiences with cancer. Am I 100% right? Probably not, but this link is horrifyingly wrong and should not teach people such.

As I was writing my blog I was continuing my research and found a Snopes page that debunks this link. http://www.snopes.com/medical/disease/cancerupdate.asp

I also continued on from the snopes page, onto the next link where they separate the truths from the lies on this link. http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/kimmel_cancer_center/news_events/featured/cancer_update_email_it_is_a_hoax.html

The reason I wrote this blog is because a Facebook friend of mine supported this link on Facebook and it infuriated me. Now I feel much better letting it all out on this blog. I also would like people to research things they read or hear before they jump to support the claim! We need more critical thinkers in this world rather than gullible dummies!

Thanks for the read,
